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Fourth Open House

Date: Sep. 4, 2012
Duration: Entire Day

Post-Event Press Release

On Tuesday September 4, 2012, the Institute of Space Technology (IST) Islamabad, organized its fourth ‘Open House’. The graduating students of the Aerospace, Communication Systems and Materials Science & Engineering impressed the visitors by displaying their ‘Senior Design Projects’.

Entrepreneurs and guests who visited the Open House included a large number of people belonging to the academia, prestigious R&D organizations and representatives of industry. People praised the innovative and useful projects reflecting the research skills displayed by the graduating students.

The Entrepreneurs and guests showed great interest and mingled with the students and appreciated their creativity and the grip on their subjects that the students displayed while explaining their projects. A total of forty six projects were displayed on the occasion.

The Open House proved to be a platform for the industry-academia linkage and an opportunity for the graduating students to meet their potential employers.

Vice Chancellor IST, Mr. Imran Rahman, congratulated the students on their fine show and thanked the guests for visiting the event and encouraging the students.

Event Downloads

Event Brochure
Event brochure containing all the details about the event
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